Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wei Xuan de ‘hiking shoes"....haha

Wei Xuan and Alston Ang

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today....Atles Foo, Wei Xuan, Chan Hong, Yan Pin, Alston Ang, Richard, Benny Choong, Choon Chiat and me, Cwtan去hiking (Tokun)....当然走山路啦...hiking嘛....我们这些人当然有些是比较noop的...Alston Ang lo...Wei Xuan(没吃早餐啦...呕吐...还有他只睡两小时)还有我咯(有三年没走山路了)...走到pondok rekreasi....我们这三个noop的就停下来...剩的就continue上去...差不多十一点多就下山了...他们打算去NTECH (不适合我)...他们就去他们的NTECH...我就自己回家....

Yan Pin is in trouble already... Some one stole his wallet and hand phone. He said that he do not take his hand phone and wallet with him and he left them in his car course Yan Pin cannot drive car lisence ma.....haiz.......

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