Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Speechless.................(^.^)||| use malay version....

Semalam, kami semua telah dapat berita bahawa semakan tawaran kemasukan tingkatan 6 2010 telah dibuka...
dan telah cetak dokumen-dokumen yang diarahkan untuk cetak....

tetepi hari ini (28/4).......wui sheng want me print out his dokumen and.......this happen.......

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wei Xuan de ‘hiking shoes"....haha

Wei Xuan and Alston Ang

24 / 4

today....Atles Foo, Wei Xuan, Chan Hong, Yan Pin, Alston Ang, Richard, Benny Choong, Choon Chiat and me, Cwtan去hiking (Tokun)....当然走山路啦...hiking嘛....我们这些人当然有些是比较noop的...Alston Ang lo...Wei Xuan(没吃早餐啦...呕吐...还有他只睡两小时)还有我咯(有三年没走山路了)...走到pondok rekreasi....我们这三个noop的就停下来...剩的就continue上去...差不多十一点多就下山了...他们打算去NTECH (不适合我)...他们就去他们的NTECH...我就自己回家....

Yan Pin is in trouble already... Some one stole his wallet and hand phone. He said that he do not take his hand phone and wallet with him and he left them in his car course Yan Pin cannot drive car lisence ma.....haiz.......

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


今天Wei Xuan和我回去学校看他们的sukan tara...八点半我们到学校...本来是不想理那只狗(guard)的...过后还是认为通知他一下比较好...谁知道他说不可以进...要等到十一点半才能进...(^.^)|||
我们两个就在guard house等...还好他突然说我们可以去kantin坐...WX和我...speechless....就走进去咯....



我们就在sudut bacaan一边发呆一边大骂...真的是...说到就气...

以后没有事情我不会图书馆了...你们自己保重....没事也不要烦我!!!(tat person only)....others wan still on...and "u"dun make me angry until i hack ur computer...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dengan dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa and tidak ditawarkan ke matrikulasi.....bla bla bla...

Haizzzz...never r perguruan ( 14 Jun ), politeknik ( 8 Mei ) and JMTI (pertengahan Mei )...if all fail....Form 6 lo...

Friday, April 16, 2010

3nd GATHERING (or last Gathering, maybe)


我们这二十多个ex-5S1 classmate (Choon Chiat, Yan Pin, Alston Ang, Sin Kit, Zoe, Shu Xian, Shu Fang, Wei Xuan, Atles Foo, Yi Hang, Ze Ming and his girlfriend, Mei Heng, Ai Ping, Ying Xuan, Alvin Seng, Benny Choong, Chun Rong, Reaper Lew, Kong Soon, Jun Wei, Ee Wen, Eeleen Ang and me, Cw Tan约好在Blogger聚会...不知道要说什么...haha...

All the best and Good friends sis...gambatte ! ( がんばって / 頑張って )
有缘再见 !

Monday, April 12, 2010



Han Sheng, Lin Guan, Atles Foo, Kuan Sian and me, Cwtan约好一起去Pikom PC Fair, Penang International Sport Arena (PISA)...前一天早上(10/4)说好要去Auto City McD吃早餐, 晚上Han Sheng突然在MSN跟我们说明天我们去不成了...他说他明天要跟他爸去KL...谈到最后我们去成了...Yeah!(没有啦...Han Sheng跟我们开玩笑的)

Han Sheng驾着他爸的车载着Lin Guan到我家载我...过后就去载Atles Foo和Kuan Sian...载Atles Foo时...发生了好笑的事情...Foo从他家走出来时, 他突然转头冲回去...他冲到一半就跌倒了...我们看到就大笑了...过后他走出来要开车门时...Han Sheng突然踩油门...冲到前面的junction走U-turn...我们边走回Foo的家边在车上大笑...Foo上车后就shot Han Sheng...haha..

我们到了McD...我, Kuan Sian 和Foo就先下车...其他的找位parking...我们三个就先进去了...进到里面...一个位都没有...我们就在旁边边等位边等Han Sheng他们边考虑我们要吃的早餐...十分钟后...有位了!我们就冲去那个位子...可是Han Sheng他们还是没回来...刚好桌上有个咖啡杯...我们就pakat好要玩Han Sheng他们...最后还是我们还是玩不成(这种玩笑怎样骗得过他们)...过后Han Sheng说不想吃McD了...我们就直接到PISA附近的茶餐室吃鸟饭(鸡饭啦...Han Sheng说的)...haha...

我们到了PISA...主办单位订好十一点开门的...可是他们十一点十分才开...我们在里面非常辛苦地绕了两轮...我们在里面花了不少钱...我花了RM 25买laptop cooler...开心!我们还打算看完电影后再去PISA...

走完了PC Fair后...我们就直接去Queensbay...本来说要去SAKAE SUSHI的...最后还是去McD吃Mclunch...过后就在那边绕到4.00p.m.就上到顶楼GSC看DATE NIGHT....18PL哦...ticket上还有一cop..."Striotly for above 18 years old only"...hahaha...看完后已经6.30p.m.了...我们还要赶去PISA买CPU(Han Sheng的爸要的)...7.30p.m.我们还要去Auto City Seoul Garden跟伟森 来穿他们聚餐...
在PISA, Han Sheng就赶去某摊去买...我和Foo就绕一绕...绕完了我们就打给Han Sheng...他说还没好...我们就再绕...时间一拖就拖到7.15p.m.....过后我们就赶回去Auto City Seoul Garden....

在SEOUL GARDEN...伟森,来穿,JIANG QUAN, RUEY HARN还有其他RC的会员已经开始了.....还好我们几个还不是最迟的...最迟的是REAPER LEW, HOOI YEE, JIANG QUAN and...forget le...haha.....Ah~and Jin Yao...

这次我也花了RM 80...红包钱没了...T.T


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash of the Titans.....

The movie is based on the Greek myth of Perseus.The movie began with explanations about how Olympians overthrown their creators,The Titans.As the movie flows on,a fisherman found a coffin in the middle of the sea.When he opened it up,it was a boy and his mother in it. The boy is Perseus,which 12 years later began his journey to hunt down Hades for killing his family.

The story is okay,it haven't bored me. Graphics are nice too since we watched in 3D,but it's only average. About the fights though,they should had made more because this is a war and especially the final fight against Kraken. It was so short and is so easily expected.I thought it would be more than that and that's what made the movie quite bored. The fights with scorpions and Medusa are nice to watch though.

Overall,this movie is not a 'must watch'. If you wanna watch it,just watch it in standard version,don't even need 3D.

Rating : 3 of 5

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Clash Of The Titans 3D Official Trailer